
- Title
- Department Chair and Professor
- Director, Center for Integrated Spatial Research (CISR)
- Associate Director, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Technologies, Applications, and Research (GISTAR) Program
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Environmental Studies Department
- Affiliations Latin American & Latino Studies, Digital Arts and New Media, Anthropology Department
- Phone 831-459-3685
- Fax 831-459-4015
- Website
- Office Hours Winter 2025-Mondays 3-4 pm (in person); Tuesdays 3-4 pm (via Zoom), and by appt. Sign up here:
- Mail Stop Environmental Studies
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Environmental Studies, Climate Change, Political Economy of Development, Geographic Information Systems, Glaciers, Conservation, Environmental Justice, Sustainability
- Courses ENVS 100-Ecology and Society; ENVS 143-Sustainable Development, Economy, Policy & Environment; ENVS 158-Political Ecology; ENVS 196-Climate Justice Senior Seminar; ENVS 210-Political Economy; ENVS 272-Qualitative Research Methods
Summary of Expertise
GIS, extractive industries, climate change, glacier recession, remote sensing, sustainable development, conservation, political ecology, research methods, sustainability, environmental and climate justice. Latin America.
Research Interests
My current research is centrally concerned with the transformation of natural and social environments in Latin America. My research has recently focused on new frontiers of extractive industries in the Andes and the political economy of climate change and glacier recession in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru). My work also focuses on conservation, ecotourism, and livelihood transformations in Peru, Chile and Costa Rica. My field research is linked closely to my interests in political ecology studies, environment and development in Latin America and field methods.
Biography, Education and Training
Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
M.A., The American University
Honors B.A., University of Utah
Honors, Awards and Grants
- 2023-2026-Co-PI, WUI Research for Resilience, Addressing California's Climate, Conservation, and Housing Crisis. UCOP/CA-Climate Action Seed Grants.
- 2023-2026-Co-PI, From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals (NEXTGEN), USDA.
- 2017-2021-Co-PI, GIS Web Services and Programming, Global Marine and Climate Change Applications. The Nature Conservancy/USGS/NOAA/UCOP. Center for Integrated Spatial Research (CISR).
- 2014. Golden Apple Teaching Award. Division of Social Sciences, UCSC.
- 2013-2016-Co-PI, Pathways: Apprenticeships in Sustainability Science and Engineering Design (ASCEND). NSF.
- 2012. Chancellor's Commendation for Mentoring Excellence and Advising, UCSC.
- 2010-2015. Co-PI, Coupled Natural and Human Systems: Hydrological Transformation and Human Resilience to Climate Change in the Andes. NSF.
- 2008. Economic and Social Research Council/Social Sciences Research Council Fellow.
- 2005. Fulbright Scholar-Peru.
Selected Publications
- Bebbington, A. and Bury, J. (eds.). 2013. Subterranean Struggles: New Geographies of Extractive Industries in Latin America. University of Texas-Austin Press.
Mark, B. G., A. French, M. Baraer, M. Carey, J. Bury, K. R. Young, M. H. Polk, O. Wigmore, P. Lagos, R. Crumley, J. M. McKenzie, and L. Lautz, 2017. Glacier loss and hydro‐social risks in the Peruvian Andes, Global and Planetary Change 159 (Supplement C): 61-76.
Wrathall, D., Bury, J., Carey, M., Mark, B.G., McKenzie, J., Young, K.R., Baraer, M., French, A., and Rampini, C. 2014. Migration and climate rigidity traps: socio-ecological possibilism and resource politics in Honduras and Peru, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104: 292-304.
Carey, M. Baraer, M., Mark, B.G., French, A., Bury, J., Young, K.R., and J. McKenzie. 2014. Toward hydro-social modelling: merging human variables and the social sciences with climate-glacier runoff models (Santa River, Peru), Journal of Hydrology 518: 60-70.
Bury, J., Mark, B.G., Carey, M., Young, K.R., McKenzie, J., Baraer, M., French, A., Polk, M. 2013. New geographies of water and climate change in Peru: Coupled natural and social transformations in the Santa River Watershed, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(2), 363-374.
Baraer, M., Mark, B., McKenzie, J. Condom, T., Bury, J., Huh, K., Portocarrero, C., Gomez, J. and S. Rathay. 2012. Glacier recession and water resources in Peru's Cordillera Blanca, Annals of Glaciology 58(207), 1-17.
Bury, Jeffrey, Mark, B., McKenzie, J., French, A., Baraer, M., Huh, K., Luyo, M. and J. Gómez. 2011. Glacier recession and livelihood vulnerability in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Climatic Change. 105: 179-206.
Mark, Bryan, Bury, J., McKenzie, J. and A. French. 2010. Climate change and Tropical Andean glacier recession: evaluating hydrologic changes and livelihood vulnerability in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(4), 794-805.
Bebbington, Anthony and Jeffrey Bury. 2009. Confronting the institutional challenge for mining and sustainability: the case of Peru, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(41), 17296-17301.
Chapters and Other Works
- Bury, Jeffrey, 2105. The frozen frontier: the extractives super cycle in a time of glacier recession, in C. Huggel, M. Carey, J. J. Clague, and A. Kääb, eds. 2015. The High-Mountain Cryosphere: Environmental Changes and Human Risks, Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-89.
- Bury, Jeffrey, 2012. The Himalayan Vertical Archipelago: Climate Change, Glacial Lake Insecurity, and Institutional Capacity in the Khumbu Himalaya. In Andean-Asian Mountains Global Knowledge Exchange on Glaciers, Glacial Lakes, Water & Hazard Management, TMI/USAID, pp. 44-49.
Teaching Interests
In addition to my formal teaching duties in the Department, I work extensively with undergraduate and graduate students conducting independent studies and as an intern supervisor to foster participatory learning, critical analysis, and social change. I particularly encourage students to work as interns in Latin America and around the Santa Cruz area. My graduate advising activities also include quarterly labs where we explore contemporary research issues and debate current theoretical and methodological trends. I have supervised the graduate student-led Political Ecology Working Group (PEWG) since 2006.