Doctoral Program Graduates
Names: A - F, G - K, L - R, S - Z
- Holly Alpert, Ph.D. 2009. Program Manager, Inyo-Mono Integrated Regional Water Management Program. Dissertation: Climate change implications for conifer distribution and water resources management in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California.
- Kate Siegfried Andrews, Ph.D. 2006. NOAA Fishery Scientist. Dissertation: Fishery management in data-limited situations: applications to stock assessment, marine reserve design and fish bycatch policy.
- Barbara Ayala Orozco, Ph.D. 2008. Postdoctoral Researcher, Instituto de Biologia - Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM, Mexico. Dissertation: Maintaining the drivers of tropical plant diversity: plant disease in conservation practice.
- Chris Bacon, Ph.D. 2005. Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Santa Clara University. Dissertation: Confronting the coffee crisis : Nicaraguan farmers use of cooperative, fair trade and agroecological networks to negotiate livelihoods and sustainability.
- Nicholas Babin, Ph.D. 2012. Assistant Professor, Environmental Management, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Dissertation: Agrarian Change, Agroecological Transformation and the Coffee Crisis in Costa Rica.
- Nick Bader, Ph.D. 2006. Assistant Professor of Geology, Whitman College. Dissertation: Plant control of soil organic carbon accumulation.
- Alan Balch, Ph.D. 2003. Vice President, Preventive Health Partnership, American Cancer Society. Dissertation: Waste management in California: an analysis of diversion policy and programs.
- James Barsimantov, Ph.D. 2009. Lecturer, UCSC; Consultant, EcoShift. Dissertation: What Makes Community Forestry Work? A Comparative Case Study in Michoacan and Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Martha Bonilla Moheno, Ph.D. 2008. Researcher - Instituto de Ecologia, A.C., Mexico. Dissertation: Forest recovery and management options in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico.
- Sara Bothwell Allen, Ph.D. 2012. Dissertation: Landscape and farm management effects on ichneumonidae (hymenoptera) diversity and parasitism of pests in organic vegetable production.
- Maxwell Boykoff, Ph.D. 2006. Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder. Dissertation: United States media representational practices and anthropogenic climate change : investigations at the interface of science and policy.
- Joan Brunkard, Ph.D. 2006. Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA. Dissertation: Dengue fever on the Texas-Mexico border: using interdisciplinary science to improve public health.
- Mark Buckley, Ph.D. 2006. Senior Economist, Econorthwest Consulting. Dissertation: The problem of restoring natural systems among social systems: strategic considerations and the Sacramento River.
- Christopher B. Cogan, Ph.D. 2001. Assistant Professor, Environmental Science and Resource Management, CSU Channel Islands. Dissertation: A quantitative analysis of biodiversity for land-use and reserve system planning.
- Roseann Cohen, Ph.D. 2010. Postdoctoral Fellow, Agrarian Studies, Yale University. Dissertation: Nurturing new ground: displaced farmers and the politics of resource control in the city of Cartagena, Colombia.
- Rebecca Cole, Ph.D. 2009. Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Colorado at Boulder. Dissertation: Restoring tropical forest in a complex, agricultural landscape.
- Wesley Colvin, III., Ph.D. 2007. Adjunct Professor, Geography and Urban Affairs & Planning, Hunter College. Dissertation: Linking invasive plant management, conservation, and restoration on Santa Cruz Island, California.
- Amy Concilio, Ph.D. 2012. Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. Dissertation: Bromus Tectorum Invasion and Global Change: Likelihood of Spread and Feasibility of Control.
- Tara Cornelisse, Ph.D. 2013. Dissertation: Conservation of the Endangered Ohlone Tiger Beetle (Cicindela ohlone).
- Ariane DeBremond, Ph.D. 2006. Research Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Research Affiliate, Joint Global Change Research Institute, University of Maryland/PNNL. Dissertation: Regenerating conflicted landscapes: land, environmental governance, and resettlement in post-war El Salvador.
- Brian Dowd-Uribe, Ph.D. 2011. Assistant Professor, University for Peace, Costa Rica. Dissertation: Engineered outcomes: the state and agricultural reform in Burkina Faso.
- Adam French, Ph.D. 2013. Dissertation: Water is Life: Climate Change, Globalization, and Adaptive Hydro-Governance in Peru.
- Aaron Gabbe, Ph.D. 2007. Senior Biologist, TRA Environmental Services. Dissertation: Ecology, evolution, and conservation of a plant-pollinator system: rufous hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) and scarlet gilia (Ipomposis aggregata).
- Alexander Gershenson, Ph.D. 2007. Founder, EcoShift Consulting; Adjunct Professor, San José State University. Dissertation: Notes from the underground: the science and policy of soil carbon.
- Sean Gillon, Ph.D. 2011. Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Systems and Society at Marylhurst University in Portland, Oregon.
- Michael Goodman, Ph.D. 2005. Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, King's College London. Dissertation: Articulating alternative moral economies?: the socio-ecological imaginary of organic and fair trade foods.
- Alden Griffith, Ph.D. 2008. Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, Wellesley College. Dissertation: Global change in a sagebrush ecosystem: Bromus tectorum invasion and precipitation change.
- Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti, Ph.D. 2000. Professor, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico. Dissertation: The transformation of coffee farming in central Veracruz, Mexico: sustainable strategies?
- Joy Hagen, Ph.D. 2008. Lecturer, UC Santa Cruz. Dissertation: Policy, uncertainty, and the ecologist: mobilizing science to inform risk assessment of transgenic Bt crops.
- Jill Harrison, Ph.D. 2006. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Colorado - Boulder. Dissertation: Constructing 'accidents': the naturalization of regulatory neglect in California's agricultural pesticide drift conflict.
- Grey Hayes, Ph.D. 2002. Director, Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program. Dissertation: Grazing Impacts on Native, Annual Herbs in Coastal Prairie.
- Kimberly Heinemeyer, Ph.D. 2002. Lead Conservation Scientist, Round River Conservation Studies. Dissertation: Translating individual movements into population patterns: American marten in fragmented forested landscapes
- Elizabeth Herbert, Ph.D. 2004. Environmental Analyst, San Lorenzo Valley Water District. Dissertation: Forest management by West Coast water utilities: influences and consequences.
- Kathleen Hilimire, Ph.D. 2011. Visiting Professor, Environmental Studies, Fort Lewis College.
- Kristin Hulvey, Ph.D. 2010. Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Ecosystem Restoration & Intervention Ecology Research Group (ERIE), with Prof. Richard Hobbs at the University of Western Australia. Dissertation: The Effect of Native Plant Species Abundance Shifts on Ecosystem Functioning.
- John Hunt, Ph.D. 2009. Deputy Superintendent for Science and Ecosystem Protection, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Dissertation: Monitoring and Resource Management: Streams, Land Cover, and the Use of Water Quality Information in Public Policy.
- Julie Jedlicka, Ph.D. 2011. Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley. Dissertation: Integrating avian conservation, community ecology, and insect pest management in California vineyards.
- Paula Jones, Ph.D. 2012. Director of Food Systems, San Francisco Department of Public Health (Environmental Health). Dissertation: The city feeds the poor: The struggle for sustainable food systems in San Francisco.
- Michiyo Kakegawa, Ph.D. 2011. Advisor and Researcher, Vietnam Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency. Dissertation: Improving institutional accountability: environmental and social policy compliance in Asian Development Bank-funded projects in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
- Matthew Kauffman, Ph.D. 2003. Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Wyoming. Dissertation: The influence of host and spatial heterogeneity on the spread of a nonnative pathogen.
- Amanda Kiessel, Ph.D. 2007. Co-Founder, Good Market. Dissertation: Social change and complex systems: the art of participatory development in rural Sri Lanka.
- Michelle Knight, Ph.D. 1997. Owner, Adventures By the Sea, Monterey, CA. Dissertation: A political culture of conservation: citizen action and marine conservation in the Monterey Bay.
- Martin Kovach, Ph.D. 2004. Project Manager, OnPoint Analytics. Dissertation: Doing justice to science: an analysis of three approaches to chemical assessment used in the negotiation of the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants.
- Timothy Krupnik, Ph.D. 2011. Cropping System Agronomist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) - Bangladesh Conservation Agriculture Program. Dissertation: Integrated agronomic and socioeconomic assessment of the water-saving rice crop management system in the Sahel.
- Gabriel Labbate, Ph.D. 2000. Regional Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Dissertation: The incremental cost approach and the conservation of biological diversity: basis for lasting partnerships of the global commons?
- Suzanne Langridge, Ph.D. 2008. Postdoctoral Fellow, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University. Dissertation: Contested landscapes: using scientific information and collaborative processes to support ecological restoration.
- Taal Levi, Ph.D. 2012. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Dissertation: Humans as Predators and Prey in Ecological Systems.
- Anne Lopez, Ph.D. 2002. Director, Center for Farmworkers Families. Dissertation: From the farms of west central Mexico to California's corporate agribusiness: the social transformation of two binational farming regions.
- Marc Los Huertos, Ph.D. 1999. Associate Professor, California State University, Monterey Bay. Dissertation: Nitrogen dynamics in vegetative buffer strips receiving nitrogen runoff in Elkhorn Slough watershed, California.
- Andrew Marshall, Ph.D.
- Blair McLaughlin, Ph.D. 2010. Postdoctoral researcher, UC Santa Cruz. Dissertation: Possible futures in California valley oak woodlands: climate change, community interactions and recruitment failure.
- Hilary Melcarek, Ph.D. 2009. Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz. Dissertation: An activist approach to food security: An examination of three urban gardening organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- V. Ernesto Mendez, Ph.D. 2004. Associate Professor of Agroecology & Environmental Studies, University of Vermont. Traditional shade, rural livelihoods and conservation in small coffee farms and cooperatives of western El Salvador.
- Katie Monsen, Ph.D. 2008. Lecturer, UC Santa Cruz. Dissertation: Managing Nitrogen in organic vegetable agroecosystems on California's central coast.
- Amy Wilson Morris, Ph.D. 2009. Associate Environmental Scientist, Aspen Environmental Group. Dissertation: The changing landscape of conservation Easements: evolving public oversight for private land conservation.
- Dustin Mulvaney, Ph.D. 2007. Assistant Professor of Sustainable Energy Resources, San José State University. Dissertation: Political ecologies of genetic pollution & containment: social resistance to agricultural biotechnology and the uneven governance of genetically engineered organisms.
- Joanna Nelson, Ph.D. 2011. NatureNet Science fellow, Stanford University and the Nature Conservancy. Dissertation: Climate Change Interactions at the Edge: Wildfire and subsistence in the boreal forest, and sea-level rise and nitrogen loads at the California land-sea margin.
- Sajeemas Pasakdee, Ph.D. 2006. Soil Scientist/Agronomist, CSU Fresno. Dissertation: Nitrogen and water management in organic vegetable production in California: implications for soil properties, plant nutrient, and farm budget analysis.
- Jae Pasari, Ph.D. 2011. Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Davis. Dissertation: Grassland invasion, management, and multifunctionality.
- Bruce Paton, Ph.D. 2001. Associate Professor and Chair, Management Department, College of Business, San Francisco State University. Dissertation: Beyond the letter of the law: Harnessing the potential of voluntary environmental initiatives.
- Liba Pejchar, Ph.D. 2004. Assistant Professor, Colorado State University. Dissertation: Ecology of an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper and implications for conservation on private land.
- Brian Petersen, Ph.D. 2010. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Michigan State University. Dissertation: Responding to new land management challenges: Bark Beetle outbreaks in Western North America.
- Roopali Phadke, Ph.D. 2004. Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Macalester College. Dissertation: Some water for all: people's science lessons from the Krishna Valley, India.
- Tara Pisani-Gareau, Ph.D. 2008. Dissertation: Farmscaping for conservation in the Central Coast of California: An interdisciplinary investigation of the efficacy of hedgerows to enhance biological control services and the social factors that influence farmers’ conservation practices.
- Jacob Pollack, Ph.D. 2005. Dissertation: New methods for making optimal use of real conservation data.
- Alex Racelis, Ph.D. 2009. Research Associate, USDA-ARS. Dissertation: The promises and perils of Polewood: an interdisciplinary analysis of the management of small diameter tropical trees in central Quintana Roo, Mexico.
- Felicia A. Rein, Ph.D. 1999. President, Watershed Solutions, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. Dissertation: Vegetative buffer strips in a Mediterranean climate: potential for protecting soil and water resources.
- Leah Samberg, Ph.D. 2011. Dissertation: Interacting forces in a human landscape: patterns of diversity in an ancient Ethiopian agroecosystem.
- Jonathan Scheuer, Ph.D. 2002. Principal, Jonathan Likeke Scheuer Consulting. Dissertation: Water and power in Hawaii; the Waiāhole water case and the future of the islands.
- Daniella Schwiezer, Ph.D. 2012. Dissertation: Community interactions in tropical forest restoration and environmental governance in the Panama Canal watershed.
- Angie Shelton, Ph.D. 2002. Research Associate, Indiana University, Department of Biology and IU Research & Teaching Preserve. Dissertation: Variability of defensive chemicals in plants and their effects on herbivore behavior.
- Dorothy Sirrine (Overpeck), Ph.D. 2008. Farm to School Coordinator, Leland Public School, Leland, MI. Dissertation: Agroforestry, soils, and food security in Southern Malawi: Interdisciplinary on-farm research linking sustainability and livelihoods.
- Robert Sirrine, Ph.D. 2006. Community Food Systems Educator, Michigan State University Extension. Dissertation: Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) production in northern Michigan: agroecological and social issues.
- Ana Spalding, Ph.D. 2011. Researcher, Panama. Dissertation: Re-making lives abroad: Lifestyle migration and socio-environmental change in Bocas del Toro, Panama.
- Paul Stienberg, Ph.D. 1999. Associate Professor Of Political Science & Environmental Policy, Harvey Mudd College. Dissertation: Transnational relations and the policies of species conservation in poor countries: Evidence from Costa Rica and Bolivia, 1967-1997.
- Diana Stuart, Ph.D. 2009. Assistant Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University. Dissertation: A new wave of environmental degradation in California agriculture: private standards, constrained choice, and changes in land management.
- Diane M. Thomson, Ph.D. 2001. Associate Professor, The Claremont Colleges. Dissertation: Competitive interactions between the invasive European honey bee and native bumble bees.
- Jiab Sopitsuda Tongsopit, Ph.D. 2008. Dissertation: The political economy of grid-connected distributed power generation systems in California.
- Laura Elena Trujillo, Ph.D. 2000. Professor, Political Ecology, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico. Dissertation: Political ecology of coffee.
- Michael Vasey, Ph.D. 2012. Interim Director, San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, San Francisco State University. Dissertation: The influence of the summer marine layer on maritime chaparral and implications for ESHA conservation policy in the coastal zone.
- Timothy Vos, Ph.D. 2007. Executive Director, Santa Fe Farmers Market. Dissertation: Organic farming and the socioecological imaginary: the philosophy and practice of stewardship in the middle landscape.
- Kieth D. Warner, Ph.D. 2004. Associate Adjunct Lecturer, Santa Clara University. Dissertation: Agroecology in action: how the science of alternative agriculture circulates through social networks.
- Benjamin Weil, Ph.D. 2009. Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dissertation: California Politics and Renewable Energy Policy, the 1970s to the Present.
- Chris Wilcox, Ph.D. 2002. Senior Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia. Dissertation: Conservation of endangered systems: using modeling and empirical investigations to assess the dynamics of endangered species and their threats.
- Biao Zhu, Ph.D. 2010. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University. Dissertation: Temperature control of rhizosphere priming effect on soil organic matter decomposition.
- Anna Zivian, Ph.D. 2011. Senior Manager, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, Ocean Conservancy. Dissertation: Subnational regulation of genetically modified organisms in the United States and the European Union