Graduate Directory

Summer A Sullivan
  • Title
    • PhD Student
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Environmental Studies Department
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Nat Sci 2 Main Building, 467
  • Mail Stop No Mailstop
  • Courses Instructor of record for ENVS 178: Race and Environment (spring 2024)

Research Interests

Agriculture; Political economy; Labor; Digitalization; Future of work


Biography, Education and Training

2019- MA, University of California, Berkeley

2017- BA, Lehigh University


Honors, Awards and Grants

2024- Switzer Foundation Fellowship

2024- Social Science Research Council Data Fluencies Doctoral Research Grant

2024- American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

2024- UCSC Center for Labor and Community Graduate Student Fellowship

2024- Agricultural Experiment Station Fellowship

2023- Heller Agroecology Graduate Student Research Fellowship, UCSC 

2022- Center for Archival Research and Training (CART) Fellow, UCSC 

2022- Smithsonian Institute Graduate Student Fellowship, Washington D.C. 

2022- Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program

2022- Dean’s Travel Grant, UCSC 

2022- Heller Agroecology Graduate Student Research Fellowship, UCSC 

2021- Institute for Social Transformation Sprout Grant (PI: Julie Guthman), UCSC 

2020-2022- University of California Regents’ Fellowship

2019- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, University of California, Berkeley 

Selected Publications

Sullivan, Summer. 2023. Ag-tech, agroecology, and the politics of alternative farming futures: The challenges of bringing together diverse agricutlural epistemologies. Agriculture and Human Values.

Sullivan, Summer. 2023. The immaculate conception of data: Agribusiness, activists, and their shared politics of the future. By Kelly Bronson, Québec: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2022. pp. 224. C\ 37.95 (pbk)/C\ 130 (hbk). ISBN: 9780228011224 (pbk)/ISBN: 9780228011217 (hbk). Journal of Agrarian Change, n/a(n/a).

Cunniff, Abby, and Sullivan, Summer. 2022. This Prison in California Forced Incarcerated People to Drink Arsenic for Years.

Sullivan, Summer, and Guthman, Julie. 2021. Sensing the Fields: A Report on the Emerging Ag-Tech Initiative at UCSC. UC Santa Cruz. Retrieved from