Environmental Studies Professor Karen Holl authored an op-ed for the Santa Cruz Sentinel about her participation in the April 22 March for Science, calling on others to join her as advocates for the free and open flow of scientific information that is not financed by corporate interests.
“Is marching on April 22 going to change all this? By itself, no. But the march will send an unmistakable message that we — all of us, not just scientists — value science and recognize its critical importance to our health, economic well-being, and everyday lives,” says Holl.
“The march must be the beginning of a sustained and multifaceted effort to resist attacks on the open exchange of scientific information and to promote evidence-based policy making.”
The March for Science will be held in Washington DC this April 22 with approximately 500 marches around the country and globe. Find out how to get involved in the local march here.