We are proud to recognize several of our recent doctoral students who have gone onto exciting positions in the past year:
- Joanna Nelson was recently awarded a TNC NatureNet postdoctoral fellowship to work with Adam Freed at The Nature Conservancy, and Gretchen Daily and Mary Ruckelshaus at Stanford University.
- Daniella Schweizer will be starting a post doc in fall 2013 studying restoration of Brazilian Atlantic forest with Dr. Pedro Brancalion at the University of Sao Paulo.
- Amy Concilio started a post doc in January 2013, studying non-native grass invasions in the Rocky Mountains with Dr. Timothy Seastedt of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado.
- Adam French will continue his research on water governance in Peru during 2013-14 as a Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow in the Energy and Resources Group at UC, Berkeley.
- Leighton Reid will be starting a post doc in September 2013 to study habitat restoration for Spotted Owls with Dr. Matthew Betts at Oregon State University.
- Taal Levi received a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to study the role of predators in disease ecology with Richard S. Ostfeld at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Robert D. Holt at the University of Florida.
- Blair McLaughlin is a postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley working on climate change and California plant community responses with Dr. David Ackerly.
- In fall 2012, Brian Dowd-Uribe started a faculty position at the University of Peace in Costa Rica.